Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Lara Mayfield Indo European

So this is an introduction to what would be an epic poem, if I ever wrote the rest of it.

Belhners, deruhners, stati

Strong man, steadfast man, he stands

Wi porkomos gʰersdʰo ke puhro

Above the farrows barley and wheat

Belhners, deruhners

Strong man, steadfast man

Neshwaphnerm, nheikhegons

(Is) not (an) evil man, has no fault

Deiwoes super ke supo

Deities above and below

Hewegʷʰenti belhnerm, deruhnerm

Praise the strong man, the steadfast man

Senti gʷʰen hegnigʰwerm

He goes to strike the fire beast

Senhogʰwers, hwapgʰwers swepti

Old beast, evil beast, it sleeps

Stehiti supo swordonisdos

It hides under its black nest

Senhogʰwers, hwapgʰwers

Old beast, evil beast

Nhesti heikt, nhesti gangt

(Will) not be possessed, (will) not be mocked

Hegʰes dʰegʰombh ke hepbh

Animals of earth and of water

Gʰouroenti hegnigʰwerm super helyomis

Fear the fire beast above (all) others

Gʷerti hostns hnermi

It devours the bones of men

And then here's what it originally was in English:

Brave and true, our hero stands

Above the fields of barley and spelt

This hero, who is brave and true

Is never unkind, has no faults

All the gods above and below

Give honor to this hero brave and true

As he faces the guardian of the caves

Fierce and proud, the beast waits

Hidden beneath its ghastly lair

This beast who waits, fierce and proud

Will never be stopped, never vanquished

Creatures of the land and sea

Fear the dragon above all others

He will crush the skull of any who defies him

1 comment:

  1. The tone and content seem very authentic. I hope that you will write the rest of the epic!
