Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Indo European Poem

Jaimee Jones
7 October 2009

At the edge of my dreams, I hear your voice
Whispering gently into the heavenly air.
At the edge of the mountain, I close my eyes
Sensing your breath, feeling you appear.
At the edge of my dreams, I see your beauty
Loyal and not straying stars in the velvet night.
At the edge of the mountain, I hold your heart
Stranger and brother know our love.
At the edge of my dreams, she is my miracle.
At the edge of the mountain, she is my beacon.
I will protect my wife with my body and blood.

At my dream edge I your voice hear

ad dreughos akos egs wekwosm kousmi

Into the heaven realm you whisper gently

dyeu regi kweisi genə

At mountain edge I my eyes close

ad men akos egs hokwosm klāumi

I your breath sense I you appear feel

egs gwhrēosm sentmi egs bhuhsi pālmi

At my dream edge I your beauty see

ad dreughos akos egs deuosm weidmi

Straight and not bending stars in the night velvet

hreg kwe ne ghwel steres nekwti wel

At mountain edge I your heart hold

ad men akos egs kerdosm kelmi

Stranger and brother our love know

ghostiti kwe bhréhtérti leubhōm gnōénti

At my dream edge she my miracle is

ad dreughos akos seh smeios esti

At mountain edge she my beacon is

ad men akos seh bhāos esti

I my forever half protect with my body and blood

egs aiwsemios pehmi kom kwrépoes kwe kreuhes

1 comment:

  1. I really like the tone of this bardic tribute. Your IE formulas seem authentic. Good work.
