Monday, November 9, 2009

Middle English Recipe

The History of Omelette: The omelette can be found in ancient near-east culture. Beaten eggs were mixed with chopped herbs,fried until firm,then sliced into wedges in a dish know as Kookoo in Persian. This dish is thought to have travelled to Western Europe via the Middle East and North Africa,with each country adapting the original recipe to preoduce Itallian frittata,Spanish tortilla and the French omelette.
The history of Chinese Omelette: It's a popular breakfast food in Taiwan,and people call it 蛋餅(dan bing). Taiwanese people usually like it put bacon inside.
Vnaray tortilla
1 tsp sylt
a tbsp oyle de olive

Bet erien agein a boll an caste greenoygnons an sylt,menge together. Hete olive agein a fraing-pot over hign hete. Caste tortilla. Caste eiren menfe an aray until browned on both side.

English Translation:

1 uncook totilla
1 tsp salt
some chopped green onions
1 tbsp olive oil

Beat the eggs in a bowl and add green onions and salt,mixing well. Heat up the oil in a frying-pot over high heat. Put tortilla in. Then add eggs and green onions,and cook until browned on both sides.


  1. Thanks for including the history behind the omlette. I had no idea it came from the middle east or that it was popular in Taiwan!

  2. I never thought of putting pieces of tortilla into an omelette! This sounds good for a meal any time of the day. Could you translate part of the history into Middle English also?
